The Warming Permafrost Model Intercomparison Project (WrPMIP)

Welcome to WrPMIP, an international effort to assess permafrost representation in state-of-the-art biogeochemical and Earth system models.

WrPMIP Project Overview

Our collaborative group of international experts are working on several key aspects of improving permafrost model representation

Model Assessment

We’ve met virtually and in person to discuss how to best assess permafrost model performance across models.

Regional Simulations

Gridded simulations of the Pan-Arctic we’re conducted to test model perturbation responses across large scales and under varying climatic conditions.

Site-level Simulations

Site simulations are being conducted of specific experimental warming manipulations for precise comparisons between model reponses and observed warming.

Functional Benchmarks

Functional benchmarks (e.g. ecosystem respiration in response to soil temperature) are being created for model assessment to be integrated into frameworks like ILAMB.

Model Improvements

The end goal of the project is to provide guidance model development efforts and facilitate permafrost representation in models.

“What happens to the carbon in permafrost is one of the biggest unknowns about our future climate.”

Christina Schädel

Senior Research Scientist, Woodwell Climate Research Center


We have had several important meetings, events, and milestones

Site-Level Simulation Phase (2024)

  • Simulating 14 specific experimental warming sites.
  • Investigating open top chambers and snow fences.

AGU Fall Meeting (2023)

  • Presented initial regional simulation findings.
  • Met and discussed with several modeling groups.

In-Person Workshop (2023)

  • Discussed the future of permafrost modeling.
  • Shared initial regional simulation outputs.
  • Planned site-level simulation approaches.

Regional Simulation Phase (2023)

  • Started our first simulation experiments.
  • Simulations represented the entire Pan-Arctic.

Virtural Meetings (2022)

  • Gathered international input to direct project work.
  • Laid the foundations of the WrPMIP’s simulation plans.

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